
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's cards for my classmates

Teacher asked us to bring Valentine's day cards to our friends yesterday. All of my classmates are my friends so I made 33 plus 2 more for my teachers, or a total of 35 cards !

I slept late the night before and my hand got really tired writing, but I wanted to make everyone happy. I also brought goodies to school for sharing. We had the best Valentine's day celebration ever! :)

Happy Hearts Day everyone!!! *mwahhh*

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Love Reading!

Mom bought me a lot of books even before I could read them. I first learned how to read when I was in Nursery and it's been an adventure eversince. Whenever we go out, we always visit the bookstore to check out what's new. The photo below is my dream library at Fully Booked Powerplant Mall. I can stay there for hours without getting bored!
My dream library

Sometimes, when we can't go to the bookstore, we buy magazines at the magazine stand. My favorites are Winx, Disney Princess, W.I.T.C.H, Monster Allergy, Total Girl, Disney & Me and DC comics. And if I get lucky, Mom lets me read my magazines at Starbucks while having some Java Chip Frapuccino. Cool!

Magazines, anyone?

Disney Magazine + Starbucks = Fun!

One time, Mom asked me to pick one book that I like as my reward for getting high grades in my exam. I picked Nancy Drew's Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk. I chose it because I want to know about hidden gems and treasures! Mom was surprised because she used to borrow the same hardbound Nancy Drew books in the library when she was still in High School. I finished reading it that same day because I was so excited to know about the ending.

My first Nancy Drew book

This is what I always do when I am in bed and ready to sleep. I like reading my fairy tale books before sleeping. My day is not complete without it!

Reading in bed

What kind of books do you enjoy reading?